The Raimon Eleven won a spectacular victory at the Football Frontier, and boys soccer became popular throughout Japan. Before long, boys soccer adopted an unusual new "Sponsored" system. Since official soccer matches anticipate attracting large crowds, a financial power able to provide a large enough budget is essential. Schools without a sponsor will become unable to operate a soccer club, and the...
Inazuma Eleven Heroes: Great Road
The Raimon Eleven won a spectacular victory at the Football Frontier, and boys soccer became popular throughout Japan.
Before long, boys soccer adopted an unusual new "Sponsored" system. Since official soccer matches anticipate attracting large crowds, a financial power able to provide a large enough budget is essential.
Schools without a sponsor will become unable to operate a soccer club, and the clubs will be forced to disband.
These soccer-loving boys live on the isolated Inakuni Island, and they are in a crisis of being deprived of soccer.
With their determination, a battle where their fates are all on the line is about to begin!
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