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    Playstation 3

    Devil May Cry HD Collection -US-Playstation 3


     Devil May Cry HD Collection

    von Capcom

    Devil May Cry HD Collection -US-
    Devil May Cry HD Collection -US-

    The Devil May Cry HD collection brings the first three Devil May Cry titles, originally released on the PlayStation 2 platform, together in one high definition package for the first time. The games included are: Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 2, and Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition. Devil May Cry is an Action game series that revolves around the demon hunter, Dante and his destiny...

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    Devil May Cry HD Collection -US-

    The Devil May Cry HD collection brings the first three Devil May Cry titles, originally released on the PlayStation 2 platform, together in one high definition package for the first time. The games included are: Devil May Cry, Devil May Cry 2, and Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition. Devil May Cry is an Action game series that revolves around the demon hunter, Dante and his destiny shaped by revenge. Combat in the games is fast paced and stylized, featuring chain attacks utilizing a combination of melee weapons, charged gauntlets and guns, as well as demonic abilities.

    Devil May Cry

    Originally released in 2001, Devil May Cry introduces Dante, a professional demon hunter driven by the single-minded urge for revenge. Convinced to join the struggle against a demon emperor, Dante's skill, style and attitude will lead to a range of experiences, but many things in life, as well as death are not necessarily what they seem. The game features mission-based leveled combat, that introduces the franchises graded style-based combat, as well as powerful "Devil Trigger" functionality, which temporarily transforms Dante with demonic powers.

    Devil May Cry 2

    Released in 2003, Devil May Cry 2 centers on Dante and his new devilishly agile partner Lucia in their fight to defeat a man hell-bent on achieving supreme power through the raising of a terrifyingly dangerous demon. In addition to the graded combat and demonic powers seen in the earlier release, the game contains new defenses abilities and upgraded existing abilities.

    Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening

    Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition is the definitive edition of Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening. The game is a prequel to the entire series, that explores the shaping of Dante's character leading up to the events of the original game. The game features an updated combat system that allows the player to select from multiple combat styles that can be altered at different points in the game. Along with the original game, this special edition released in 2006 features a number of enhancements, including the opportunity to play as Dante's twin brother, Vergil, and the addition of the Bloody Palace Mode and the Turbo Mode.

    Facts & Features:

    • Rediscover Classic Action and Stylized Combat - Rediscover the original Devil May Cry games originally developed for PlayStation 2.
    • Iconic Demon Action Hero Returns – Play as Dante, one of the most iconic video game characters of the last decade.
    • Upgraded Visuals – Experience the stylish gothic action that the series is best known for in stunning HD, with updated textures and widescreen support.
    • Bonus Content – The Devil May Cry HD Collection offers players a wealth of new content for fans and newcomers alike.
    • Earn PlayStation Trophies – Accomplish new goals and have reasons to relive the action from the Devil May Cry series.



    480p / 720p
    983 KB required
    Blu-ray Disc
    Code Free



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    Devil May Cry HD Collection -US-

    weitere Versionen

    Devil May Cry HD Collection

    Devil May Cry HD Collection - Deluxe Edition


    ab 16 Jahren
    Erschienen am:
    27. März 2012
    Weitere Infos
    Deutsch, Englisch
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