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    Playstation 3 Move

    Silent Hill: Downpour -EN-Playstation 3

    von Vatra

    Silent Hill: Downpour -EN-
    Silent Hill: Downpour -EN-

    Return to the horror and desolate town in Silent Hill: Downpour. Marking its return to next-generation consoles, Silent Hill: Downpour delivers a completely original storyline, new soundtrack and more haunting moments that are sure to make your spine tingle. Having been behind bars for years, and receiving an extended sentence once already, Murphy Pendleton has become a liability during his stay...

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    Silent Hill: Downpour -E-

    Return to the horror and desolate town in Silent Hill: Downpour. Marking its return to next-generation consoles, Silent Hill: Downpour delivers a completely original storyline, new soundtrack and more haunting moments that are sure to make your spine tingle.

    Having been behind bars for years, and receiving an extended sentence once already, Murphy Pendleton has become a liability during his stay at Ryall State Prison. Due to his storied past at Ryall, he is being transferred to Wayside Maximum Security Penitentiary. During his trip to his new gray-bar home, your bus is involved in a horrific accident. Once the twisted carnage of your prison transport bus comes to a stop, you are able to assess the situation. You find yourself stranded in the foggy woods near the town of Silent Hill. Knowing that this may be his one shot at freedom, Murphy sets off to explore the desolate town. Despite the town seeming vast and empty, he can't help but feel claustrophobic and that someone — or some thing — is watching him.

    Take on the role of Murphy Pendleton, who finds himself alone and lost in the woods outside the lonely town. Explore the all-new environment that is expansive while feeling claustrophobic at the same time. Experience the bone-chilling terror of Silent Hill with vivid and spectacular visuals that are powered by Unreal 3 technology, bringing the town of Silent Hill, its characters, creatures and horrific world to life. Freely roam, explore the town and venture into all-new side quests that unlock new areas, special items and bonus content. Immerse yourself in the terror with an ever-changing game world that includes a day and night Normal world and an Otherworld world that are created from your actions during the gameplay. Understand that you are never truly alone in Silent Hill.

    Facts & Features:

    • Packaging in dutch
    • Experience the spine-tingling chills and psychological terror while exploring the sleepy town of Silent Hill as Murphy Pendleton
    • Uncover the deep and dark storyline of the latest Silent Hill thriller
    • Immerse yourself in the desolate town of Silent Hill with intense visuals powered by Unreal 3 technology that bring the town, characters, creatures and alternate hell to life
    • Unlock new game areas, special items and bonus content by venturing into all-new side quests
    • Explore the ever-changing game world that features day and night Normal world and Otherworld world that are manifested and sourced from character actions throughout the game
    • Get closer to the action with 3D technology for the first time ever
    • Lose yourself in the desolate and terrifying town with renowned story and music talent, including Silent Hill comic writer, Tom Waltz, original music directed and composed by Dan Licht and the theme song performed by hard-rock group, Korn
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    ab 18 Jahren
    Erschienen am:
    30. März 2012
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