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    Playstation 3 Move

    F.E.A.R. 3 - Collector's Edition -EN-Playstation 3

    von Day 1 Studios

    F.E.A.R. 3 - Collector's Edition -EN-
    F.E.A.R. 3 - Collector's Edition -EN-

    Nine months ago, Point Man and his F.E.A.R. squad were tapped to stop a telepathically gifted cannibal who had begun a murderous rampage. Point Man learned the target was his brother, Paxton Fettel, working alongside their tortured and psychically powerful mother, Alma Wade. Despite this revelation, Point Man followed orders to destroy them and subsequently ravaged the surrounding city...

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    F.E.A.R. 3 - Collector's Edition -E-

    Nine months ago, Point Man and his F.E.A.R. squad were tapped to stop a telepathically gifted cannibal who had begun a murderous rampage. Point Man learned the target was his brother, Paxton Fettel, working alongside their tortured and psychically powerful mother, Alma Wade. Despite this revelation, Point Man followed orders to destroy them and subsequently ravaged the surrounding city and most of his F.E.A.R. team. Now, it is clear that Alma's psychic influence survived - and worse, she is about to birth something that could destroy the world. Fettel has returned from death with an unclear agenda, refusing to leave Point Man's side and asking for help to reach Alma. The remaining F.E.A.R. squad is still trying to complete their mission. With his chain of command broken and Point Man calling his own shots, where will his allegiance lie?

    F.E.A.R. 3 - Collector's Edition includes:

    • A 18 cm glow in the dark figurine of Alma
    • An exclusive F.E.A.R 3 comic produced by DC Comics
    • Steelbook Packaging
    • An unlockable in-game Item "The Hammer"

    Facts & Features:

    • Divergent Co-op: Deep, social gameplay that gives players distinctly different abilities.
    • Frenetic Combat: 360 degree cover, evolutionary slow-mo modes, phasing portal systems and best in class mech combat.
    • Experience the Almaverse: New sinister enemy creatures birthed in Alma's warped mind spill into reality
    • Generative Scare: Increases the feeling of isolation and unpredictability by offering new experiences each time.
    • Masters of Horror: Legendary director John Carpenter and writer Steve Niles provide their expertise on cinematics and story.
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    ab 18 Jahren
    Erschienen am:
    24. Juni 2011
    Warner Bros. Interactive
    Links zum Spiel:
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    Bewertung von F.E.A.R. 3 - Collector's Edition -EN-

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