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    Playstation 3

    Madden NFL 10Playstation 3

    von EA Tiburon

    Madden NFL 10
    Madden NFL 10

    Experience first-hand what it's like to Fight for Every Yard in Madden NFL 10. With all-new Pro-Tak animation technology, players have more control over the outcome of each play. Whether driving a receiver towards the first down, or battling for a fumble at the bottom of a pile, the play won't end until the whistle blows. Take the fight online with an all-new Online Franchise mode,...

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    Madden NFL 10

    Experience first-hand what it's like to Fight for Every Yard in Madden NFL 10. With all-new Pro-Tak animation technology, players have more control over the outcome of each play. Whether driving a receiver towards the first down, or battling for a fumble at the bottom of a pile, the play won't end until the whistle blows. Take the fight online with an all-new Online Franchise mode, complete with 32 teams, NFL-style drafts and a custom league webpage. Add to that the most immersive broadcast presentation to date and Madden NFL 10 captures the authenticity and emotion of the NFL like never before.

    Facts & Features:

    kugel Pro–Tak: This all new animation technology provides unprecedented control over the outcome of every play. Drag defenders towards the first down marker, including up to 9-man gang tackles, fight for a fumble at the bottom of the pile, and evade the rush with all-new quarterback avoidance actions. Enhanced play at the line of scrimmage features a new blocking system that allows the quarterback to step into the pocket and gives the defensive line more control over the rush.
    kugel Fight for Online Dominance: Battle for franchise dominance online with leagues of 32 teams. Featuring real NFL scheduling, live drafts, player transactions, league message boards, and more - all manageable from your console or your league's custom web page online. Your Madden NFL 10 online franchise is always just a click away.
    kugel The Extra Point Show: Check out the happenings around your Online Franchise league with the dynamic, network-style show hosted by Fran Charles and Alex Flanagan of NFL Network. Featuring news and information from each week's games, The Extra Point recaps all the excitement of your Franchise.
    kugel Online Co-Op: For the first time in franchise history, team up with a friend online and battle against the CPU. Work on game strategy, practice plays and experience the game from a new point of view with position-specific camera angles.
    kugel The Emotion of the NFL: New TV broadcast-style presentation and cinematic cameras bring the suspense and intensity of the NFL to your living room.
    kugel Madden NFL Your Way: The most customizable version of Madden NFL to date! Alter gameplay options to adjust the experience to your liking. A revamped play calling system and menu takes you to kickoff faster than ever before. Speed up online matches with accelerated clocks, streamlined presentation and more.
    kugel Unprecedented Authenticity: Referees peeling players off a fumble pile, the chain gang rushing in to measure for a key first down, authentic throwing and kicking styles, and all-new player equipment ensure that if you see it on Sunday, you'll see it in Madden NFL


    720p / 1080i / 1080p
    je 276 MB
    wird unterstützt
    Blu-ray Disc
    wird unterstützt
    wird unterstützt
    Regionalcode 2


    wird unterstützt, 2 Spieler
    wird unterstützt

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    ab 3 Jahren
    Erschienen am:
    6. August 2009
    Electronic Arts
    Weitere Infos
    Mehrspieler lokal:
    1 bis 4
    Mehrspieler online:
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