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    PlayStation 4

    Bill & Ted's Excellent Retro Collection -US- Playstation 4

    Bill & Ted's Excellent Retro Collection -US-
    Bill & Ted's Excellent Retro Collection -US-

    Two games based on those two bodacious dudes of movie fame? Excellent!!! ...

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    CHF 54.90 inkl. Mehrwertsteuer
    In den Warenkorb

    Bill & Ted's Excellent Retro Collection

    Two games based on those two bodacious dudes of movie fame? Excellent!!!

    Facts & Features:

    • Code Free-Version - runnable on european consoles

    Bill & Ted's Excellent Video Game Adventure

    History has been all screwed up and only the San Dimas Duo can set things straight. Awesome responsibility, man. Ride the Power Phone Booth to six different worlds. Galactic, man. Search for famous Historical Dudes through space and time. Most Cosmic.

    Talk with the likes of Julius Caesar (he invented Caesar salad) and Napolean (the short, dead dude). Send them back in time or you'll miss the Wyld Stallyns concert- starring you! Heavy.

    Its a bodacious, mind-boggling role-playing adventure. And your only chance to save the world and earn the respect you deserve. No way - yes way!

    Bill & Ted's Excellent Portable Adventure

    A world without our most excellent compatriots Bill and Ted? No way! Yes way - if the Grim Reaper and the evil Bill and Ted robots get their way! DeNomolos wants to totally change the future, and the only way to stop this most heinous dude is to travel though the "circuits of time" and collect the stolen time fragments! 10 adventures - 50 quests.

    But watch out! Historical dudes like Billy the Kid are tumblin' with killer tumbleweeds while the Executioner has an axe to grind with you. Napoleon has a "short" temper and even Granny S. Preston Esquire tries to bag you. Most Bogus!

    Time is running out...so be excellent to each other and party on dudes!


    422 MB minimum
    Blu-ray Disc
    Region Code:
    Code All

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    Bill & Ted's Excellent Retro Collection -US-








    ab 3 Jahren
    Erschienen am:
    31. August 2023
    Limited Run Games
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